After many years of being disconnected, St. Croix and St. Thomas/St. John have joined forces and built back a vibrant community of chess players. At present, USVICF.org under new leadership elected on December 23, 2023 is supported by tournament directors across the U.S. who are calling us the "VI Chess Freedom Fighters." While we wait for official recognition by both the VIOC and FIDE, we remain hopeful that truth and justice will prevail. At present we have over 70 adult members, four active clubs, and are coaching over 100 students in schools throughout the territory. We have created a constitution and bylaws that are completely democratic, in alignment with Virgin Islands law and the statutes of both FIDE and the VIOC. Additionally, we are established as a nonprofit organization. Our goal is to continue to build the Virgin Islands chess community, support scholastic clubs and events, instruct both young and old, and help build strong Olympic teams (both women's and men's) that genuinely represent the community.

Our Mission
Our mission is to bring together into one organization all people, young and old, desiring to promote, to learn, and to play chess. We strive for inclusion, integrity, and fairness. We strive to give equal voice and equal opportunity to all members. We promote amicable and courteous relations among our own local chess players and with chess players worldwide. And lastly, we celebrate and honor the long history and fascination of this iconic board game.
Our Vision
To see chess grow and prosper in the U.S. Virgin Islands. To develop our collective playing strength to a level where we can compete proudly on the world stage.
Photo of Grapetree Bay, St. Croix, by Greg Ray Dunnett