St. Croix
Wandering Dragons (AKA Ziggy's) Chess Club
Meets every Saturday afternoon. 1:00 to 4:00, at Ziggy's Island Market
For more information call John at 717-679-9432

Tullies Tacticians Chess Club
Meets every Saturday morning, 10:00AM to Noon, in the Sunny Isle Food Court

Quixotic Queens Chess Club
Meets every Thursday morning, 10:00 to Noon, at Cheeseburgers in Paradise

STX Scholastic Clubs
We now have scholastic chess clubs at St. Croix Central High School, The St. Croix Educational Complex, St. Mary's Catholic School, and University of the Virgin Islands both St. Croix and St. Thomas campuses.

St. Thomas
St. Thomas/St. John Youth Scholastic Chess Club
Meets every Sunday afternoon at 3:00 at Lockhart K-8 School
25 to 30 students and 5 adults attend regularly

Kudos to the extraordinary and dedicated coaching of Sinclair Wilkinson. Four members of the Olympic teams sent to Budapest (3 women and one young man) grew up being coached by Sinclair Wilkinson, yet FIDE Delegate Margaret Murphy never thanked him, mentioned him, or extended him any credit for his longstanding contribution to VI chess. He himself was on the VI Olympic chess team three times and has carried his chess students to 14 USCF National K-12 Championship tournaments at various locations in the continental U.S.
Charlotte Amalie High School Chess Club

Coach Wilkinson, along with coaching students at Charlotte Amalie High School, also coaches an adult group of enthusiastic beginners one evening a week.